Warming Up The Homeless is a frontline charity supporting homeless people, with centres in Hastings, Bexhill and Eastbourne. They provide meals made from surplus food for the homeless, as well as advice and support. Guests are able to have a hot, healthy meal free of charge, and join the supportive communities that have formed across the South East.

Hastings, a seaside town renowned for its historic landmarks and beautiful beaches, attracts thousands of tourists each year. However, this charming allure is only one side of the coin. A darker reality is faced by more than 1000 homeless people living on the streets of Hastings, which has the highest rates of homelessness in the South East. 

Partnering with FareShare Sussex & Surrey, Warming Up The Homeless are able to use the surplus produce we provide to cook healthy, warm meals for any that come to them.

Lawrence, who found himself homeless for a time, began coming into Warming Up The Homeless daily:

“You come to have a meal, and everyone walks out of this place with a smile… people can take even a cup of tea for granted, but for someone sleeping out there, you cannot put a value on that cup. It brings a comfort, a warmth. We always get nice fresh veggies, ’cause I’m vegetarian myself. So when they cook it, I’ll tell you this, this food is cooked with love.”

George, a trained chef, loves every part of his job cooking for those in need, from the excitement of new ingredients and recipes each day, to forming connections with different people.

“Having food that comes to us that’s edible, it’s fantastic… it’s going to also help minds and bodies keep alive.”

Holistic care is all-important to this organisation, as not only do they provide healthy meals, but also community clubs from poetry to art, or counselling and advice. Lorraine, who volunteers at Warming Up The Homeless, emphasised:

“There’s more to a person than what the eye can see – we give healthy food and also arts and crafts, so it’s a holistic approach to living and being a person. It’s about more than who you are when you get out of bed in the morning, it’s your whole being.”

Clinton is another person who found himself without a home through no fault of his own, but values the organisation for providing him with food and community:

“I was starving one day and someone said to come here… so I walked up here. I got goat’s cheese, avocado, salt and pepper, and tomatoes for my first breakfast. Didn’t cost me a penny. I’ve been coming every day since… I’d starve if it wasn’t for here.”

Clinton described how not only have they helped advise him on how to find a new house, but he also volunteers his own time back to cut peoples’ hair, using his past skills as a barber to give him motivation and something to look forward to.

The impact of Warming Up The Homeless is already significant, as they have made over 10,000 meals, saving food that would otherwise go to waste. George especially emphasised the value of having freezer space:

“If something can be frozen, that’s going to preserve shelf life longer.” It’s also efficient for hungry guests who missed the usual meal time: “Anything from the freezer can go into the air fryer, 20 minutes later they’ve got something to eat and it’s hot and just perfect.”

Warming Up The Homeless is part of our crowdfunding appeal, as we are raising funds to help them get a new freezer. With a new freezer, they can increase their storage space for frozen food, ensuring they have stock for when supply runs low. Despite the huge amount of people they help, there are still more and more going hungry.

To help Warming Up The Homeless get a new freezer, you can donate to our crowdfunder appeal.